Monday, September 14, 2009

Self Help...

Writing has always been a form of therapy for me.

I've taught journal writing in groups and to individuals struggling with health challenges. In 1994 I graduated from a certificate program in holistic nursing. Part three of the two and a half year program involved a practicum. I chose to create my own modality and called it holistic counseling.

Part of what I used when first meeting with a client was to listen with all my regular senses as well as my extra sensory ways of knowing. From there I utilized the interview process to actively listen to the underlying information I could hear in the words people told me.

Journaling did not come as easy for my clients as it did for me. I found that using interactive visualization with them combined with picture drawing was much more effective.

Some times after listening to their stories I would craft a guided visualization that drew on the issues and themes that had meaning for them. At other times I used a form of interaction that was guided only in the sense that I asked questions based on their ability to direct the path we traveled.

Most of the time the client led, though on occasion it required more direction on my part until something stuck and launched them into the drivers' seat.

One of the foundational ideas I came to believe in was the inherent wisdom which lay inside each person. Sometimes it seemed dormant but it was always there. Believing in that person and putting them in the drivers' seat allowed them to understand the true meaning of self help. With a little coaching and a lot of trust and intuition I found everyone was capable of taking charge of their life and moving ever closer to their inner heart's desire.

What would you do if you had the unfailing belief that deep inside you resided the wisdom and the knowledge of what your next step should be? What if you found a place where you could access that knowledge and receive the support for your own inner wisdom without having the 'right' way thrust upon you from some outside authority.

How would your life unfold?

1 comment:

  1. it would unfold, i believe, just as it is now . . . as i too discover everything i seek is inside myself . . . you are my greatest teacher and to share this life with you is my greatest gift . . .


Zen Chimes