Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tapping Your Inner Guidance System

Many people are discovering the still small voice that resides within.  It is a source of wisdom and guidance, leading us on the journey of our lives.  It can help us tap into our life purpose or keep us safe in difficult situations.  It can show us the underlying meaning in health challenges and help us navigate extreme emotions.

If you are one of those who have undergone a spiritual awakening and learned the gifts inherent in the deeper soul you are familiar with this part of yourself.  Perhaps you know it as your intuition or the divine hand at work.  Regardless of how we identify it, giving ourselves the time each day to visit the inner sanctuary strengthens its presence in our lives.

One of the best ways of developing your inner guidance system is spending 20 minute in quiet meditation each day before leaving the house.  It's the best way I know for staying grounded in that deeper place when the outside world starts distracting us.

Years ago I found the simplest way of strengthening this inner guidance system was by simply playing games while driving or shopping.  As I approached the booths on the toll road I would scan the lines to see which one was shortest.  Then I would suspend my judgment and allow myself to simply feel which line I was drawn to.  As you've surely experienced, the shortest line is not always the fastest.  The game was to see if my intuition or inner guidance system could pick the quickest lane.  Nine times out of ten it did and most of those were not the shorter lines.

Another game I often played took place in the local Walgreen's store.  As I walked through the aisles, I would allow myself to follow that inner nudging toward one aisle or another.  Surprisingly, the inner guidance took me right to some obscure item that had been in the back of my mind but which hadn't become important enough to reach my shopping list, yet.

Needless to say, the more familiar I became with my inner guidance the more it became a reliable resource to use in more important situations.  I can't tell you the times I've listened to it and found myself avoiding freeway accidents, running into strangers who needed to talk about something for which I had just the right answer, or finding something I was certain had been lost.

So make a game of it!  Tune in and see where you inner guidance system leads you in little things that don't really matter.  You might be surprised to find that the little genius inside you will show up when you need it most!

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Zen Chimes